

このたび、Yumiko Chiba Associatesは、長らく活動の拠点としてきた新宿を離れ、2022年11月3日より六本木に移転し、新たなギャラリースペースを六本木ヒルズ内にオープンします。

移転後初となる展覧会として、本スペースでは、鷹野隆大の文化庁 令和3年度(第72回)芸術選奨 美術部門受賞、および山城知佳子の同 美術部門新人賞受賞を記念した二人展「距離の洞窟」を開催します。本展は、鷹野のキュレーションにより、山城の《黙認のからだ》シリーズ、および鷹野の《Photo-Graph》シリーズを軸に「距離」をテーマとした作品を出品します。


新スペースのオープンにあたり、空間のデザインは、imajo designが務め、照明デザインは灯工舎(Light Meister Co.,Ltd)が担当しました。本スペースは、アートウィーク東京の会期(2022年11月3−6日)に合わせ、11月3日にグランドオープンいたします。この機会にぜひお立ち寄りください。


鷹野隆大・山城知佳子 二人展「距離の洞窟」

会期:2022年11月3日(木・祝) - 12月17日(土)
会場:Yumiko Chiba Associates
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木6ー4-1 六本木ヒルズ ハリウッドビューティープラザ 3F

営業時間: 12:00-19:00 定休日: 日、月、祝日(ただし11月3日[木・祝]は開廊)
*Art Week Tokyo開催中の11月3日-6日は10:00-開廊致します。





ギャラリースペースのオープンと並行して、芸術的/批評的な議論の活動拠点となる「六本木アルスクーリア(Roppongi ArsCuria)」を六本木ヒルズから始動します。

Yumiko Chiba Associatesでは、これまでも2011年より「批評をアーカイヴする」というコンセプトのもと編纂された研究冊子『クリティカル・アーカイヴ』をはじめとする、一連の出版物の刊行を継続するなど、芸術をめぐる知的かつ批評的な議論の普及に努めてきました。




六本木アルスクーリア トークイベント Vol.1

Yumiko Chiba Associatesは、六本木のギャラリースペースのオープンと並行して、芸術的/批評的な議論の活動拠点となる「六本木アルスクーリア(Roppongi ArsCuria)」を六本木ヒルズにおいて始動しました。このたび、六本木アルスクーリアの第一弾の企画として、現在開催中の鷹野隆大と山城知佳子の二人展「距離の洞窟」に関連するトークイベントを開催します。

鷹野隆大と山城知佳子は、Yumiko Chiba Associatesを代表するアーティストとして、政治的・批評的な問題を内在した活動において高い評価を受けてきました。両者の活動の高い批評性や実験的精神に対する評価は、鷹野の文化庁 令和3年度(第72回)芸術選奨 美術部門受賞、および山城の同美術部門新人賞受賞という成果に示されているとも言えます。


= 11月26日(土)開催 六本木アルスクーリア「トークイベント Vol.1」一部変更のお知らせ =

2022年11月26日(土)に開催予定の六本木アルスクーリア「トークイベント Vol.1」につきまして、登壇予定の山城知佳子と岡村恵子氏と(東京都現代美術館学芸員)の対談は山城知佳子のご家族の体調不良により、延期となりました。


対談を楽しみにされていた皆様にはご迷惑をおかけいたしますこと、 深くお詫び申し上げますとともに、何卒ご理解を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。

日時:2022年11月26日(土)18:00-19:30(受付開始 17:45-)
会場:六本木ヒルズ ハリウッドビューティープラザ5F
参加費:無料 *事前申込制




After many years based in Shinjuku, from November 3 Yumiko Chiba Associates will relocate to Roppongi and open a new gallery space in the Roppongi Hills complex.

The first exhibition following the move will be “Resonance of Distance,” presenting work by Ryudai Takano to mark his receipt of the 72nd Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts, and by Chikako Yamashiro, to mark hers of the newcomer’s prize at the same awards. Curated by Takano and taking “distance” as its theme, the exhibition will revolve primarily around the artists “Photo-Graph” series and Yamashiro’s “Body of Condonement.”

Yamashiro’s “Body of Condonement” is a series of photographs of the human body taken in limestone caves, while Takano’s “Photo-Graph” began when the photographer suddenly sensed his shadow to be an independent, living thing. Okinawa, surrounded by coral reef, has over 600 limestone caves. Shot in these caves, “Body of Condonement” serves up an interplay of silhouettes of cave rocks reminiscent of flesh, and body forms. “Resonance of Distance” will reconsider, through its theme, the works of two artists who have consistently displayed an intimate connection to contemporary representations of the body.

Spatial design for the gallery has been provided by imajo design, with lighting design by Light Meister Co., Ltd. The new premises will have a grand opening on November 3, coinciding with Art Week Tokyo (November 3–6). We look forward to welcoming visitors to this exciting art venue.

Resonance of Distance
a two-person show by Ryudai Takano and Chikako Yamashiro
Thursday (National Holiday) 3 November – Saturday 17 December, 2022

Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 12:00 – 19:00
Extended opening hours during ART WEEK TOKYO: 3-6 November, 10:00 – 19:00
Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays

Resonance of Distance
Recently I have come to think, with some frequency, that perhaps “distance” is the root of everything. Many of the world’s injustices, for instance, come about through appropriation, which could also be described as a loss of “distance.” The question of how we maintain distance from others is synonymous with that of how to live in this society. To my mind the works of Chikako Yamashiro are observations on such modalities of social and cultural distance.
On the other hand, there is also purely physical “distance.” To cite perhaps the most dramatic example, this world has its origins in the Big Bang: the birth of distance. And the universe is still expanding. It is difficult though, to conjure up such scientific knowledge in our minds merely from everyday experience. Photographs are images that arise from compressing a three-dimensional space into two, but they still manifest a “depth” after that flattening. It feels to me as if those photos, allowing us to experience for ourselves distances that would not ordinarily be visible, offer a glimpse of the existence of “distances” difficult to discern in the everyday.
Psychological distance and physical distance entwine in complex ways amid the constant churning and changing of the society in which we live. My hope is that this exhibition will be one of “distances” resonating with each other, in the manner that an echo resonates in a cave.

October 2022
Ryudai Takano

November 3 will also see the launch of the Roppongi ArsCuria project to provide a new space for community interaction and discussion in the Roppongi area.

About Roppongi ArsCuria

To coincide with the opening of our new gallery space, we are delighted to launch from Roppongi Hills the Roppongi ArsCuria hub for artistic and critical discussion.

Yumiko Chiba Associates has consistently worked to expand intellectual and critical discourse around the arts via an ongoing series of publications, starting with the Critical Archive research booklets compiled since 2011 for the purpose of archiving art criticism.

Now, in order to expand and pursue greater meaning in our work beyond the gallery, with assistance from the Hollywood Beauty Group we are excited to launch at the Hollywood Beauty Plaza, home to the new gallery, the Roppongi ArsCuria series of activities and events including ongoing lectures and symposia presented by critics, researchers and curators; talks by artists; and discussions on a wide range of issues by experts, scholars and other guests from outside the arts sector.

Roppongi ArsCuria’s purpose will be to provide a setting for lively debate on matters and challenges in different fields, where people of all ages and nationalities can interact, and to which the children who carry the future can come to learn. Our hope is that this initiative will offer the kind of clues and encourage the kind of network-building needed to help dispel the confusion of living in today’s world.

*Ars is a Latin word meaning “skill” or “art,” and curia is Latin for “meeting house,” hence the title Roppongi ArsCuria, an expression of our aspirations for this space as a new place for art exchange in the Roppongi district.