“Issay Kitagawa, Hisashi Yamamoto, Kimihiko Hino: Letterform and White Space—a working title”

北川一成、山本尚志、日野公彦|文字と余白 仮称
2025年1月21日(火) - 3月8日(土)
会場: Yumiko Chiba Associates
東京都港区六本木6-4-1 六本木ヒルズ ハリウッドビューティープラザ 3F
営業時間: 12:00-19:00
定休日: 日、月、祝日
この度、Yumiko Chiba Associatesでは、デザイナーの北川一成、前衛書家の山本尚志、日野公彦の作品を中心に、文字と言葉、余白の関係性を探る展覧会を開催します。
*参考: 山本尚志「展覧会「ニューフレンズ」に寄せて」https://hiroshima-artscene.com/exhibitions/hino_yamamoto/
『文字と余白 仮称』
文字は言葉の意味に情緒を持たせて視る者へ伝わる。文字は絵。書き手と読み手の人生体験が視覚や音や意味をからませて情動に響き合う。 文字は絵。そこには忘れてはいけないものが存在しています。 余白です。
Press release
六本木アルスクーリア トークイベント Vol.17
「文字と余白 - それぞれの文脈から」
北川一成 x 山本尚志 x 日野公彦
2025年2月15日(土) 16:00-18:00(受付開始15:45)
会場: 六本木ヒルズ ハリウッドビューティープラザ 4F
定員: 20名*事前登録予約制
参加費: 無料
協賛: ハリウッドビューティーグループ
Issay Kitagawa, Hisashi Yamamoto, Kimihiko Hino:
Letterform and White Space—a working title
Tuesday, January 21 - Saturday, March 8, 2025
Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates
ROPPONGI HILLS Hollywood Beauty Plaza 3rd Floor,6-4-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Gallery Hours: 12:00 - 19:00 (Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays)
Yumiko Chiba Associates is excited to present an exhibition exploring the relationship between letters, words and white space, primarily through the works of designer Issay Kitagawa, and avant-garde calligraphers Hisashi Yamamoto, and Kimihiko Hino.
Graphic designer and art director Issay Kitagawa is best known for his numerous corporate logo commissions. This exhibition showcases graphics-based works by Kitagawa that pursue the possibilities of print. Also featured are works by Yamamoto and Hino, who have carved out cutting-edge calligraphic practices by creating arrangements not only of characters but also associated symbols, illustrations, and pictures formed from letters, and referencing the state of written text in today’s world. Based on an understanding that calligraphy is none other than “language art,” the works of Yamamoto and Hino explore new possibilities for joining calligraphy and art, through full-body acts of writing.
Script and art grew extraordinarily close in the context of the conceptual art of the 1960s and ’70s, as evident too in the works Japanese Letters and English Words by Jiro Takamatsu, who from the late ’60s through the first half of the ’70s introduced the conceptual quality and graphic elements of written characters into fine art.
*See Hisashi Yamamoto on the “New Friends” exhibition
“Letterforms and White Space—a working title”
Letters/characters lend feeling to the meaning of words, which is conveyed to the viewer. Characters are pictures. The life experiences of writer and reader achieve an emotional resonance, entwined with vision, sound and meaning. Characters are pictures. In them resides something not to be forgotten: white space.
White space is transparent, so there are those who cannot see it. It may not be visible, yet it certainly makes itself felt by the viewer.
Kitagawa Issay
For more detailed information, please read Press release
■Related Information
【Talk Event】
"Roppongi ArsCuria" Talk Event Vol.17
Issay Kitagawa (President of GRAPH / art director / artist)
Hisashi Yamamoto (Artist)
Kimihiko Hino (Artist)
Kiyonori Muroga (Moderator)
Date: Saturday, February 15, 2025, 16:00-18:00 (doors open at 15:45)
Venue: Roppongi ArsCuria (Hollywood Beauty Plaza 4th Floor)
Admission fee: Free
Sponsored by Hollywood Beauty Group
*Seating capacity: 20
*The talk is given in Japanese.
Past Exhibitions