The Estate of Jiro Takamatsu “Jiro Takamatsu; Space in Two Dimensions—A drama of nothingness and totality”
高松 次郎
会場:Yumiko Chiba Associates
東京都港区六本木6-4-1 六本木ヒルズ ハリウッドビューティープラザ 3F
営業時間: 12:00-19:00
定休日: 日、月、祝日
このたび、Yumiko Chiba Associatesでは、高松次郎の「平面上の空間」シリーズに焦点をあてた個展「平面上の空間−無と全体性のドラマ」を開催します。
詳細はプレスリリースをご覧ください。 Press release
高松次郎の言葉 (「無と全体性のドラマ」より)
高松 次郎
「Jiro Takamatsu: The World Expands」
会期: 9月20日(金) - 11月2日(土)
会場: PACE Gallery (ニューヨーク、アメリカ)
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「アブソリュート・チェアーズ 現代美術のなかの椅子なるもの」
会期: 7月18日(木) - 9月23日(月)
会場: 愛知県美術館、愛知
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「Nerhol展関連コレクション展 Coexisitence」
会期: 9月6日(金) - 11月4日(月)
会場: 千葉市美術館、千葉
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会期: 9月14日(土) - 10月14日(月)
会場: 福岡市美術館、福岡
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Jiro Takamatsu
Space in Two Dimensions—A drama of nothingness and totality
Tuesday, September 10 – Saturday, October 19, 2024
Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates
ROPPONGI HILLS Hollywood Beauty Plaza 3rd Floor,6-4-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Gallery Hours: 12:00 - 19:00 (Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays
Yumiko Chiba Associates is delighted to present an exhibition of work by Takamatsu Jiro, focusing on the artist’s “Space in Two Dimensions” series.
Unfolding from the second half of the 1970s, “Space in Two Dimensions” marked Takamatsu’s first return to painting since his “Shadow” series. Prior to “Space in Two Dimensions” he had been working on the “Compound” series of objects combining materials such as iron and square rods.
In “Space in Two Dimensions” Takamatsu draws lines on the picture plane inspired for example by the form of an object made from pieces of iron joined together, or the arc described by rope hanging off such an object. Thus “Space in Two Dimensions” was not so much a turning from sculpture to painting, or return to painting, as a contemplation of the relationship between the three- and two-dimensional: literally a verifying of the relationship between three-dimensional space in works of sculpture, and “space in two dimensions.”
With its straight and curved lines intersecting on the canvas, generating color and form, “Space in Two Dimensions” also offered a premonition of the artist’s painting to come, including the more dramatic “Form” series.
Don’t miss this opportunity to view a group of important works that demonstrate the relationship between Takamatsu Jiro and painting.
In the words of Jiro Takamatsu (Extract from “A drama of nothingness and totality)
To my mind, nothingness seems ultimately to aim for totality. I used to work in a way that individually nullified the fact of there being a canvas, or the existence of various objects and characters, as I went along, but this time I think I have done the opposite: work in a direction that is simultaneously nothingness and the whole, by aiming for totality.
In Space in Two Dimensions, freehand lines in yellow, black, green, and red form curves painted one over another. Here, when colors and shapes emerge, memories of the past, emotions, and images become variously entwined with them. By the use of line, form, and color in two dimensions, things that can occur in the relationship between humans and the world are incorporated through the power of imagination.
Jiro Takamatsu
*Extract from “A drama of nothingness and totality” (is, Pola Research Institute of Beauty & Culture, no. 42, December 1988)
■Related Information
【Solo Exhibition】
“Jiro Takamatsu: The World Expands”
Date: Friday, September 20 – Saturday, November 2
Venue: PACE Gallery, New York, USA
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【Group Exhibitions】
“Absolute Chairs: The Representation of the Chair in Contemporary Art”
Date: Thursday, July 18 – Monday, September 23
Venue: Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Aichi, Japan
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“Collection exhibition related to the Nerhol exhibition: Coexisitence”
Date: Friday, September 6 ‒ Monday, November 4
Venue: Chiba City Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan
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“The Nishi-Nippon City Bank Collection”
Date: Saturday, September 14 – Monday, October 14
Venue: Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
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Past Exhibitions