Kenryou Gu “Dimensions Unseen”
2024年4月6日(土) - 5月18日(土)
2024年4月6日(土) - 5月25日(土)
会場:Yumiko Chiba Associates
東京都港区六本木6-4-1 六本木ヒルズ ハリウッドビューティープラザ 3F
営業時間: 12:00-19:00
定休日: 日、月、祝日、GW *5月3日(金)-6日(月)
この度、Yumiko Chiba Associatesでは、顧剣亨個展「Dimensions Unseen」を開催いたします。1994年京都生まれ、上海育ちの顧剣亨は、京都芸術大学とフランスのアルル国立高等写真美術学校で現代美術と写真を学んだあと、作家活動を開始しました。
顧は昨年、金沢21世紀美術館において、同館が若手作家を中心とした作家を紹介する展覧会シリーズ「アペルト」で個展「顧剣亨 陰/残像」を開催するなど、気鋭の作家として注目を集めています。
顧 剣亨
詳細はプレスリリースをご覧ください。 Press release
六本木アルスクーリア トークイベント Vol.11
顧剣亨 x 速水惟広(T3 PHOTO FESTIVAL TOKYO ファウンダー / ディレクター)
日時:2024年4月27日(土)17:30-18:30 (受付開始17:15-)
会場:Yumiko Chiba Associates(六本木ヒルズ ハリウッドビューティープラザ 3F)
Dimensions Unseen
Saturday, April 6 - Saturday, May 18, 2024
Saturday, April 6 - Saturday, May 25, 2024
*The exhibition period has been expended.
An opening reception will be held Saturday 6th April from 18:00
Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates
ROPPONGI HILLS Hollywood Beauty Plaza 3rd Floor,
6-4-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Gallery Hours: 12:00 - 19:00 (Closed on Sundays, Mondays, national holidays, Golden Week *Friday, May 3 - Monday, 6)
Yumiko Chiba Associates is delighted to present "Dimensions Unseen," an exhibition of work by Kenryou Gu. Born in 1994 in Kyoto and raised in Shanghai, Gu began his career as an artist after studying contemporary art and photography at Kyoto University of the Arts, and the Ecole nationale superieure de la photographie in France.
A rising star on the art scene, Gu's exhibitions to date include "GU Kenryou: Intervals of the afterimage" staged at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, as part of its Aperto series predominantly showcasing up-and-coming artists.
Gu presents photographic works created using a technique he calls "digital weaving," in which multiple photographic images are broken down into pixels and recombined on-screen into photographs. "Dimensions Unseen" features new works based on a rock Gu encountered on a visit to Iceland. He sent the coordinates for this rock's position to 16 friends around the world, and asked them to take photos looking toward the rock from their own location. The resulting 16 images were then combined using "digital weaving."
The exhibition is composed of these photographs, plus photos of the rock taken by Gu, maps and other material. Fragments of multiple images, imbued with the disconnect existing between the actuality of the earth as a sphere, and map coordinates positioned on a flat surface, are merged on a single plane via Gu's "digital weaving." Don't miss this display of new work by an artist who perceives and understands the world from a single rock, and in doing so succeeds in expanding the possibilities of photographic expression.
Artist statement
Our vision perceives this three-dimensional world by deducing it from a two-dimensional retinal image. In this manner human cognition is constantly scooping up fragmented images of the world, while abstracting and omitting much of it. Similarly, the act of attempting to understand our planet transferred to a planar map, all the while apprehending it as a sphere, is an example of how our thinking coexists with "the limits of perception."
For this work, I sent the coordinates of a particular rock to 16 friends around the world, and asked them to take photos looking toward those coordinates, from their own location. Totally coincidentally, every one of them took the horizontal direction indicated by a map as their benchmark for determining the correct orientation, without bearing in mind that we are on a spherical planet. In actual fact though there is a significant discrepancy between map and earth, meaning no rock in the direction each person was facing, and us losing sight of the rock on the map.
Kenryou Gu
For more detailed information, please read Press release
Talk Event
"Roppongi ArsCuria" Talk Event Vol.11
Kenryou Gu x Ihiro Hayami (T3 PHOTO FESTIVAL TOKYO Founder/Director)
Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024, 17:30-18:30 (doors open at 17:15)
Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates(ROPPONGI HILLS Hollywood Beauty Plaza 3rd Floor)
Admission fee : Free
Seating capacity: 20
Sponsored by Hollywood Beauty Group
*Information on how to apply will be posted on our website.
*in Japanese language only
Past Exhibitions