吉田志穂 「吉田志穂『測量|山』第46回木村伊兵衛写真賞 受賞記念展」
Shiho Yoshida “吉田志穂『測量|山』第46回木村伊兵衛写真賞 受賞記念展”

吉田志穂『測量|山』第46回木村伊兵衛写真賞 受賞記念展
会期:2022年4月8日(金)- 5月14日(土)
会期:2022年4月8日(金) - 5月28日(土)※好評につき延長致しました。
会場:Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿4-32-6 パークグレース新宿#206
営業時間: 12:00-18:00 定休日: 日、月、祝日
会場:Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjukuでは、吉田志穂の第46回「木村伊兵衛写真賞受賞」記念展を開催いたします。吉田は、インターネットで事前に検索した場所の情報や画像と、実際に現地に赴き撮影した写真とを多重に交錯させる、独自の手法による作品制作を行なってきました。ウェブ上の「検索結果」と、「自分が撮影した写真」という二つの極を往還する吉田の手法は、情報空間や写真の画像としてのあり方、写真の異種交配的な物質性を探索するものです。こうしたアプローチを通して、吉田は、今日の写真が置かれた特殊な状況への高い批評性を備えた作品を制作してきました。このたび、優れた若手写真家を表彰する「木村伊兵衛写真賞」受賞を記念し、受賞の対象となった「測量|山」「砂の下の鯨」の二つのシリーズを展示します。また、期間中に、文化研究者、アーティストの山本浩貴氏を迎えた対談を開催いたします。
吉田 志穂
Shiho Yoshida Survey: Mountains 46th Kimura Ihei Award Exhibition
Friday, April 8 - Saturday, May 14, 2022
Friday, April 8 - Saturday, May 28, 2022 *The exhibition period has been extended.
Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
Gallery Hours: 12:00 - 18:00
Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays
*Opening reception will not be held.
Cross Talk:
Information and reality in the post-digital age from the perspective of the photographic works of Shiho Yoshida
Shiho Yoshida, Hiroki Yamamoto (Cultural researcher, Artist)
*in Japanese language only
Date: Saturday, April 9
Hours: 16:00 – 17:30
Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
[Request prior to admission]
*We would like to ask visitors to refrain from visiting the gallery if visitors have symptoms such as a fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, loss of taste or smell.
*We request visitors to wear masks. Visitors are also asked to sanitize hands, and non-contact temperature readings upon visiting will be taken before entering the gallery.
*Visitors contact information will be asked as part of contact-tracing measures.
*We kindly ask visitors not to visit in a large group.
*Limited numbers of visitors will be allowed at one time to avoid crowdedness.
The door and window will be left open for ventilation.
Our staff practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces as well as daily health check and staff may wear masks.
*Opening hours may be subject to change. Please check our website in advance before planning your visit.
Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku is excited to host an exhibition of work by photographer Shiho Yoshida to mark her selection as winner of the 46th Kimura Ihei Award.
Yoshidas photography practice is distinguished by the unconventional technique of searching the internet for information and images related to a location, actually traveling to that location to take photos, and constructing multilayered works in which the resulting photos, information and images intersect. Her technique of moving back and forth between the opposing extremes of internet search results and her own photos allows her to explore information spaces and photographs as images, as well as the hybrid materiality of photography. By employing this approach, Yoshida has produced work that consistently critiques the particular set of circumstances in which photography finds itself today. To celebrate her selection for the Kimura Ihei Award honoring outstanding young photographers, this exhibition will present theSurvey: Mountains and The Whale under the Sand series for which Yoshida received the prize. A conversation with cultural researcher and artist Hiroki Yamamoto will also be held during the exhibition.
Artist Statement
It is a great honor to have been chosen to receive the 46th Kimura Ihei Award.
2020 and 2021 during which the judging took place were challenging years, at times making it more difficult than ever before to produce work and present it.
It is now six years since I first exhibited Survey: Mountains at this gallery, and it feels to me that the imaginary “mountains” in the work have continued to accumulate different elements and change shape over time.
My intention is to keep crafting new, hitherto unseen landscapes, keeping in mind the issues touched on in the jury comments, ie, what one ought to photograph in an era in which everyone takes photographs, leading to a surfeit of images; and how to offer answers to that question by making works from photographs.
Press release(En)
Past Exhibitions