Motohiro Tomii “線を重ねる”
*2021年12月26日(日)- 2022年1月10日(月)の期間、展覧会は開催しておりません。
会場:Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿4-32-6 パークグレース新宿#206
営業時間:12:00-18:00 定休日:日、月、祝日
会場:MORETHAN BANQUET / THE KNOT TOKYO Shinjuku 2F(東京都新宿区西新宿4-31-1)
2021年11月20日(土)より、Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku にて、冨井大裕の個展「線を重ねる」を開催いたします。
今回は、2018年にvoid +で発表した、ファッションブランド「tac:tac」のデザイナーが引いた服のパターン、型紙を元に作られた彫刻作品をさらに展開したものになります。冨井は、今回の新作で、既製品などの物体を用いるのではなく、あくまで他者が引いたパターンに「線を重ねる」ことによって彫刻を展開します。それは、二次元の平面上に展開されるパターンと呼ばれる「線」を引くことから服という三次元の立体を立ち上げていく衣服のデザインと、彫刻という立体が重なり合う(あるいは重ならない)地点を考えることであると同時に、「線を引くこと」を通じて、二次元の絵画と三次元の彫刻との関係を問い直すものであると言えるかもしれません。同時に、衣服と彫刻との交差は、両者が共通して、人体に強く拘束された表現であることも示唆しています。結果として、冨井の彫刻の「線を重ねる」行為は、衣服、彫刻、絵画、あるいは平面と立体とのあいだに、文字通り線を重ね、引き直す試みになると言えるでしょう。冨井大裕の新作個展を、ぜひご高覧ください。
冨井 大裕
Motohiro Tomii "Superimposed lines"
Saturday, November 20, 2021 - Saturday, January 15, 2022
*The exhibition will be closed from Sunday, December 26, 2021 to Monday, January 10, 2022.
Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
Gallery Hours: 12:00 - 18:00
Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays
*Opening reception will not be held.
Special Talk “Do sculpture and clothing overlap?” *Booking required
Speakers: Motohiro Tomii, Takaaki Shimase (tac:tac designer), Kota Shimamura (tac:tac patternmaker), Takayuki Hayashi (art criticism and contemporary art theory)
*in Japanese language only
Date: Friday, December 20, 2021, 18:30-20:00 (doors open at 18:15)
Venue: MORETHAN BANQUET, THE KNOT TOKYO Shinjuku (4-31-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
[Request prior to admission]
*We would like to ask visitors to refrain from visiting the gallery if visitors have symptoms such as a fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, loss of taste or smell.
*We request visitors to wear masks. Visitors are also asked to sanitize hands, and non-contact temperature readings upon visiting will be taken before entering the gallery.
*Visitors contact information will be asked as part of contact-tracing measures.
*We kindly ask visitors not to visit in a large group.
*Limited numbers of visitors will be allowed at one time to avoid crowdedness.
The door and window will be left open for ventilation.
Our staff practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces as well as daily health check and staff may wear masks.
*Opening hours may be subject to change. Please check our website in advance before planning your visit.
Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku is delighted to present a solo exhibition of Motohiro Tomii "Superimposed lines" opening on Saturday, November 20.
Yumiko Chiba Associates is delighted to present an exhibition of new work by artist Motohiro Tomii, who explores the potential of sculpture through works crafted predominantly from readymade products and household wares, with the minimum of intervention, and employing clearly-articulated compositional techniques.
This exhibition represents a further development on the sculptural works based on garment patterns drawn by designers from the fashion label tac:tac and presented by Tomii at void+ in 2018. In this new work, rather than using readymade or other objects, Tomii creates sculptures solely by superimposing his own lines, so to speak, on patterns drawn by others, in a contemplation of the point at which clothing design, in which drawing "lines" on a two-dimensional plane, otherwise known as a pattern, gives rise to the three-dimensional form of a garment; and sculpture as solid, overlap (or not), and simultaneously an interrogation through the "drawing of lines" of the relationship between two-dimensional painting and three-dimensional sculpture. At the same time the intersection of clothing and sculpture also suggests that both are forms of expression powerfully constrained by the human body. Consequently, Tomii's act of "superimposing lines" in sculpture serves as an attempt to literally draw over and redraw the lines between clothing, sculpture, and painting, or between plane and solid, in a novel exploration of sculpture that is certain to intrigue.
Artist Statement
Superimposed lines
In 2018, I staged a show with the title "Borrowed lines," and this exhibition is a sequel to that one. It originally began when I was sketching/copying a tree, and had a vision of transferring an existing thing to another way of being, but in the same state; simultaneously preserving "copy = receive a way of being" and "transfer = explore a different way of being." Meaning not to leave behind what was hitherto there, but retain it on an equal basis, as a potential state. The idea has been to fashion something as a method of conducting that experiment, of contemplation. While pondering how to go about this, I met Takaaki Shimase and Kota Shimamura, designer and patterner respectively for fashion label tac:tac.
For the 2018 show I borrowed a coat pattern/lines, and "transferred" those lines to a sculpture, scaling the pattern pieces to suit. Though by my own reckoning this was successful to a degree, something seemed not quite right, which is why I planned this latest exhibition. Basically, I employ the same approach, except where described below. The aim is not to show what I have changed, but to change what comes into sight from the work.
To make a sculpture using sewing patterns I will extract an arm, torso and leg from patterns used in the 2021 autumn/winter collection of fashion label tac:tac, cut these from 20mm acrylic, and assemble them one on top of another. The work consists of two pieces: a combination of arm - torso - leg from the top down, and one in reverse order (ie upside down). The work also involves experimenting with dyeing sheet acrylic (I am currently exploring green, in addition to blue, which was successful last time). Dye, that is, not paint.
An implement known as an armature stand, a support for standing clay pieces used in sculpture (modeling human figures) is also presented as part of the work, thus encompassing the fact that the work cannot stand by itself, but is supported by something.
For the pattern size I will employ the actual size, having the pair from tac:tac choose a pattern after explaining to them the plan above. An image will thus be fashioned from the disjoint between the imaginings of tac:tac, and my own, integrating them while not leaning any more toward one than the other, thus giving shape to something that does not come together of its own accord.
I chose "Superimposed lines" for the title of this exhibition. The borrowing of the source lines/pattern from clothing is the same, but this time rather than transferring those lines to the side of sculpture, I would like to stop them just this side of it. The idea is to superimpose other thoughts on the thoughts harbored by the pattern/lines, to see what overlaps, and what does not. Having done so, the question is, can one actively find interest in that which does not?
Motohiro Tomii
Past Exhibitions