“Yuki Onodera オノデラユキ「TO Where」”
オノデラユキ 「TO Where」
会期:2020年9月8日(火)- 10月10日(土)
会場:Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿4-32-6 パークグレース新宿#206
営業時間:12:00-18:00 定休日:日、月、祝日
Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjukuでは、2020年9月8日(火)より、オノデラユキの個展「TO Where」を開催いたします。
新作個展となる本展は、コラージュ、ペインティング、フォトグラム、ドリッピングといった行為によって、何らかの操作がなされた写真で構成されます。銀塩写真プリントも、すべてオノデラ自身によるものです。これらのシリーズは、『Darkside of the Moon』と名付けられました。たしかに存在することは知っていても、その場所からは見えない「月の裏側」。写真というメディアの探究において、認識と知覚のあわいを往還するオノデラの新作をぜひご高覧ください。
※本展は、ザ・ギンザ スペースで開催される、オノデラの初期の代表作『古着のポートレート』ほかの作品を展観する『FROM Where』展との同時開催となります。
オノデラユキ 「FROM Where」
会期:2020年9月8日(火)- 11月29日(日) *9/14, 10/19, 11/16休館
会場:ザ・ギンザ スペース
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座5-9-15 銀座清月堂ビルB2F
TEL: 03-5537-7825
主催:株式会社 ザ・ギンザ
Yuki Onodera 'TO Where'
Tuesday, September 8 - Saturday, October 10, 2020
Venue: Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku
Park Grace Shinjuku Bldg. #206, 4-32-6 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023
Gallery Hours: 12:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays)
*There are cases that opening hours will be changed. Please check our website for further information.
[Request prior to admission]
*We would like to ask visitors to refrain from visiting the gallery if visitors have symptoms such as a fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, loss of taste or smell.
*We request visitors to wear masks. Also visitors are asked to sanitize hands, and non-contact temperature readings upon visiting will be taken before entering the gallery.
*Visitors contact information will be asked as part of contact-tracing measures.
*We kindly ask visitors not to visit in a large group.
*Limited numbers of visitors will be allowed at one time to avoid crowdedness.
The door and window will be left open for ventilation.
Our staff practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces as well as daily health check and staff may wear masks.
Yumiko Chiba Associates is delighted to present an exhibition of work by photographer Yuki Onodera. Self-taught in her chosen medium, after launching her practice in Japan, in 1993 Onodera moved to France where she continues to pursue an international career from Paris, earning accolades that include the 28th Kimura Ihei Award for her photo collection cameraChimera in 2003, and France’s most prestigious photography award the Prix Niépce in 2006.
Onodera’s practice and philosophy as a photographer have been devoted to a highly original form of exploration that could be described as an ontology of photography or of the camera, in which she consistently challenges the status of photographs as imitations of the world; copies, recording devices. Reflecting on Onodera’s oeuvre, it is evident that in everything from the camera mechanism to the printing, to the act of taking photographs, there is an emphasis on some kind of formative action or effect. In this sense one could say Onodera has distanced herself from the idea of photography as recording device, and reinterpreted both photo and camera as formative things. As if to swim against the tide of a history holding that the emergence during the age of Impressionism of the camera as a device to faithfully document reality is what propelled new formative developments in painting, Onodera attempts to expand the latent formative possibilities in the technology of camera and photography.
This exhibition of new work by Onodera comprises photographs manipulated in some manner via actions such as collage, painting, photograms and dripping. The gelatin silver prints too are all Onodera’s own work. Onodera has given this new series the title Darkside of the Moon: a place that we know definitely exists, yet which is not visible from where we are.
Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the latest from an artist who in her explorations of the medium of photography, consistently traverses the terrain between cognition and perception.
*TO Where will be staged to coincide with FROM Where, an exhibition at THE GINZA SPACE of works by Onodera including the Portrait of Second-hand Clothes series that was one of her major early offerings.
Press Release (EN)
Joint Exhibition
Yuki Onodera 'FROM Where'
Tuesday, September 8 - Sunday, November 29, 2020 *Closed on Sep14, Oct 19, and Nov 16
B2F Ginza Seigetsudo Bldg., 5-9-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0061
Gallery Hours: 11:00 – 19:00
TEL: 03-5537-7825
Organized by the Ginza Co., Ltd.
Past Exhibitions