A Solo Show by Elina Brotherus 「エリナ・ブロテルス 個展」
“A Solo Show by Elina Brotherus”
エリナ・ブロテルスは、風景とセルフ・ポートレートを主なモチーフとして制作していますが、フランスへの移住によって起きた変化、自らの結婚と離婚や不 妊症の治療の過程を日記のように撮影するなど自身の日常生活の中で起きたことを反映させた自伝的作品と、フリードリヒやセザンヌといった歴史的な 作家たちの絵画作品の構図やモチーフを下敷きに制作した美術史的な作品といった両極の間を交互に行き来し、多面的なアプローチによって制作を続 けています。またそこには、人間と風景、アーティストとモデルといった関係性が常に取り扱われてきました。現在は、フルクサスのイベントスコアや 1950 年代から 70 年代に派生したパフォーマンスアートのために書かれた指示書を再考した作品を展開しています。
フランスのポンピドゥーセンター(2017 年「ègle du jeu: Carte Blanche PM」)、フィンランドの erlachius Museums(2018 年「Playground」)などヨーロッパ の重要な美術館ですでに多くの個展が行われており、Centre Pompidou, Paris, Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP), France, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Moderna Museet, tockholm, Museum Folkwang, Essen, aatchi Collection, London and MAXXI, ome など、作品のパブリッ ク・コレクションは 65 にも及びます。
日本では、最初の個展が 2003 年に Cassina Art Project として行われた後、2008 年に国立新美術館の「アーティスト・ファイル 2008―現代の作家たち」 に参加して以降 10 年ぶりの個展となります。
今回の展覧会では、日本では初公開のビデオ作品を、初期の頃と最近制作された作品とを合わせてご覧頂きます。特出すべきは、その中の展示作品 の一つ、「タンゴトラウザーズ」はフィンランドを代表するアコーディオニスト、マリア・カラニエミとのジャンルを超えたコラボレーションから生まれた作品で、 エリナは 8 つのビデオを制作し、マリアにそのための全く新しい曲を作るように依頼しました。こちらは、本展会期中に行われるマリアの来日公演に合わせて展示されるものです。
Elina Brotherus who mainly works on the subjects of landscapes and self-portraits has interchangeably produced two very different types of work. One was an autobiographical kind that reflected events in her daily life such as a series of diary-like photographs that recorded changes she experienced through her emigration to France, the process of her marriage through to divorce, or the infertility treatment she went through. The other one was work that made reference to art history with compositions and subjects which were based on the pictures by historical artist figures like Friedrich or Cézanne. Hence, she continues to take a multi-facet approach to create her work. Also, her work continuously dealt with the issue of relationships, for instance, those between humans and landscapes, or artists and models. Presently, she is developing a series of works that reconsider Fluxus’ event scores or instructions written for performance art that were produced from the 1950s to 1970s.
The artist has already had solo shows held in prominent art museums in Europe: Règle du jeu: Carte Blanche PMU at the Musée National d'Art Moderne at Centre Georges Pompidou in France (2017); Playground at Serlachius Museums in Finland (2018); and various others. Her artwork is present in the collections of sixty-five public collections including: Musée National d'Art Moderne, and Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP) both in France, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Museum Folkwang in Essen, Saatchi Collection in London, and MAXXI in Rome.
Her first solo show in Japan was held in 2003 as one of Cassina Art Projects, after which she participated in Artist File 2008 – The NACT Annual Show of Contemporary Art held at the National Art Center in Tokyo in 2008. Thus, the present exhibition is going to be her first solo show in Japan in ten years.
The exhibition is going to be the first public presentation of the artist’s video work in Japan; it will present her early videos as well as recent ones. What is notable, is that one of them titled Tango trousers was created through her multidisciplinary collaboration with Maria Kalaniemi, a representative accordionist of Finland. Elina created a set of eight videos and asked Maria to compose a new musical piece inspired by it. They will be included in the exhibition so as to be shown to the public during Maria’s concert tour in Japan that takes place partly through the exhibition period.
On the occasion of the artist’s visit to Japan for the show, the gallery will organize a talk between the artist and Chihiro Minato who works in multiple fields as a photographer, writer, and curator. You are most welcome to attend this event.
Past Exhibitions