木下佳通代 「等価に存在する何か。」
The Estate of Kazuyo Kinoshita “In Search of Substantiality – Unifying the Absolute and the Relative / Kazuyo Kinoshita”

Kazuyo Kinoshita was born in Kobe in 1939. She started to create art in the 60s and continued to work until her death in 1994; her work always conceptualized the question of ‘self’ and ‘existence’.
For Kinoshita, the act of art creation started as confirmation of her own existence for which she felt the fear of losing when she observed everything in the environment as having only non-absolute, relative existence. She was then in a constant cycle of creating art to eliminate the terror and to confirm her being, consequently eradicating the anxiety arising from the original observation.
From the middle of the 1950s to the early 70s, the group Gutai was at the center of artistic activities in Kansai, a region in the western part of Japan where the artist lived. Whereas on a national scale, the younger groups such as High Red Center, Neo Dada, Kyushu School, Timism, who experimented with highly performative methods of Happening or Event were developed to cultivate the anti-art movements from the 60s to the early 70s. Amid the flourishment of such avant-garde movements gave her first solo show in 1966 and came in close contact with the group ‘I’ in Kobe from 1965 to 1968, whose leader was Tatsuo Kawaguchi. The essentially conceptual nature of Kinoshita’s work was strengthened by the influence of the trend at the time and the connection to the group.
It is the fact that there are always disparities between observations by different people towards the same things. Such differences in human cognitions give multiple characters to an object. However, it is also true that the object itself has only one existence. In her work, Kinoshita tried to visualize the substantiality that exists between the absolute and the relative. In other words, she aimed for the coexistence of the possibility of observational differences and innate universality within the object that we perceive; striving to create a unity where the inside and the outside become one.
Photography was a convenient medium for the expression of such ideas because a photo can present various different meanings depending on different viewers’ interpretations of it. If ten people see the same picture together, ten different pictures will be conjured into existence because of their different perspectives. Kinoshita made good use of photography’s nature of multiplicity to express her idea about the diversity of existence arising from people’s cognitive differences.
However, in the middle of the 70s, leaving her persistent adherence to conceptual methods, she started to paint to tackle the issue of the relationship between existence and space; and sought to found the substantial existence within her pictorial space that lay beyond words, thereby establishing a place for free spirit. She aimed to establish two dimensional space that actively existed as an autonomous being.
In the 80s, Kinoshita started to focus on the medium of painting. It was coincidentally the same time that the rise of ‘new paintings’ took place around the world. However, her work was contrary to the subjective trend of the time; it was aimed at developing new conceptual paintings which realized pictorial space that negated the boundaries between the subjective and the objective, where all of the elements became equivalent and absolute.
The exhibition is in two parts; the first part (18th March to 8th April) will show early photographic works; the second part (13-28th April) will present paintings of the later years.
前期:2017 年 3 月 18 日(土)- 4 月 8 日(土)
後期:2017 年 4 月 13 日(木)- 4 月 28 日(金)
Past Exhibitions