冨井大裕 「像を結ぶ」
Motohiro Tomii “connecting images – Motohiro Tomii”

尚、展覧会に合わせ、星野太 氏(美学・表象文化論/金沢美術工芸大学)を招いて、作家とのトークイベントを予定しております。合わせてご案内いたします。
Motohiro Tomii has tried to establish a concept of sculpture, using ready-made articles as materials.
He changes the function, condition, and definition of the material itself into something new by his work and presents it as a completely different object right before our eyes. He strips all the meaning from the material, and simultaneously produces an independent work in its true meaning by completing it with only the physical function of the material, without relying on narrative, image, or forms. He has been seeking a new possibility for sculpture, not sticking to material, moving away from the conventional image of “sculpture” in its long history. His attitude is revealed in his representative works such as the daily “Kyo-no-Chokoku [Today’s Sculpture]” series on Twitter, sculpture series where plural materials are combined, and works using printed materials.
Tomii stayed in New York in 2015, granted a fellowship of the Japanese Government Overseas study program for artist by the Agency of Japan Cultural Affairs, Japan. This experience over one year strongly shook the very nature of his question “what is a sculpture?”.
This exhibition will present Tomii’s new works he made in New York as his first solo exhibition after coming back to Japan. His expression has developed toward more structural, approaching materials with further confidence. Thus his practice will keep advancing.
In conjunction with the exhibition, a talk event is scheduled with the artist and Futoshi Hoshino from Kanazawa College of Art (Aesthetics/Study of Culture and Representation).
■ Artist Statement
These couple of years I have been making works, using things, which would pile up if being left, such as paper bags, vinyl bags, envelopes, letter papers I obtained as they somehow interested me, and packages of the goods I bought. I started this, following my intuition, “this may be right”. I had been quite careful in choosing materials until then and been strict about dealing with them once I picked up them. I was a “serious artist”, so to speak. Such seriousness was a lot to do with my nature, which could not be easily changed, but nowadays I do not need to hold on to the “serious manner” just like that. At that time, I started using paper bags as it seemed to me good that I act on my intuition without being small-minded.
The following is what I thought about my “working” as above:
It is not special to separate an object from its original use and take it as a material for an artwork. Looking at assemblage and collage in art history, moreover, handicraft in a drawing class or a TV program, the objects used in them claim their “vested right” for being materials. They wear an air that it is natural to be used in many times and scenes related to representation. In a place of representation, I wanted to create a work from an object, being as far as possible from “effective area of materials” inspired by the object. I knew, however, it is fairly contradict to the representation related to objects.
Roles and images (meaning purpose to achieve and mission to expect) clinging to objects, and appearances demonstrating them - I call them “Various A” for the time being. “Various A” is transformed without removing and makes another shape “Various B”, then this moves to another phase “Various C”. So, there is “C” in which “A” and “B” get blurred in parallel. Although my work "C" exists as incomprehensible, it should become something, being somehow allowed to be there.
I keep working on objects, planning to induce them to something as the above. This could be called “making works”, but here I want to call it “connecting images” for the time being.
That’s all. It may sound a well-worn message in the art scene, but I would still find it interesting. Then, I should do it as my intuition tells.
Motohiro Tomii
November 2016
Past Exhibitions