鷹野隆大 「光の欠落が地面に届くとき 距離が奪われ距離が生まれる」
Ryudai Takano “When the absence of light touches the ground Distance is lost and distance create / Ryudai Takano”

また本展は、NADiff Galleryでの個展「距離と時間」と同時開催いたします。あわせてご高覧いただけましたら幸いです。
鷹野隆大 2016年11月
In his new works, Takano has worked on the shadow of people coming and going in a city. The shadows reflected on the ground and walls in a town create a depth as if drilling holes on a flat surface with light and shades. The series of these shadows disappears as soon as one’s eyes recognize it. In the works, Takano took hold of them as images with his camera and tried to find out the distance appearing in the images. It is assumed to be an act closely related to duplicating a photograph in terms of taking a thing shown on a flat surface as a subject. Moreover, Takano, who has taken so far a human body and a city as a theme separately, shows a new approach to connect both factors in the works exhibited this time which used the shadow of a person in a city as a subject.
For information, his another solo exhibition Time and Distance will be held at the same time at NADiff Gallery, Tokyo.
■ Artist Comment
I wonder if it was five or six years ago. That happened when I was bending over to take a photo of a butterfly fallen on the ground. The finder was suddenly shut. Wondering what it is, I left my eyes from the camera and found a shadow of a person passed the finder.
I raised myself up and blankly looked at the shadow going by. It was that moment I perceived the ground becoming a transparent screen and there brought forth a depth quietly. The shadow seemed a three-dimensional object. It was a situation flipped upside down. I was also aware that I was living in that upside-down world with no uncomfortable feeling.
What was I looking at that time? It was like a scenery reflected on the surface of the water, but the crucial fact was that my focus remained fixed on the ground. One cannot see a scenery on the surface of the water by keeping a focus on the water.
The shadow appears if one looks at both places the light reaches and the light is lacked at the same time. If looking at only the dark side, shadow does not appear. That tremendous gap between light and darkness may have led me to see something else, not the ground my eyes must have captured.
In a monochrome negative film, shadow is depicted as a lack of silver. In that sense, shadow makes an excellent similar forms with an inverted image of the negative film. Shadow may be a primitive form of a photograph.
Anyway, I have been clicking the shutter repeatedly since that time to make sure the distance produced by shadow.
Ryudai Takano
November 2016
Past Exhibitions