山城知佳子 「創造の発端 ―アブダクション/子供―」
Chikako Yamashiro “The Beginning of Creation: Abduction/ A Child – Chikako Yamashiro”

本展にて上映展示される『創造の発端 ―アブダクション/子供―』は、ダム・タイプの元メンバーでダンサーの川口隆夫が、舞踏家の故・大野一雄の伝説的な舞台を「再現」するプロセスに山城が密着取材した映像作品です。
本展では、『創造の発端 ―アブダクション/子供―』の上映展示を中心に、その補助的な意味合いを持つ映像作品、また本編のスチル写真作品も展示致します。
「創造の発端 -アブダクション/子供-」でも、何かが生まれいづる瞬間に鳥がいる。川口隆夫がデッサンをしている。動画をキャプチャした静止画を丁寧に描いてはコマを進め、スケッチブックをめくっては動画の静止画を描いている。途方もない繰り返しに見えるが、一コマ一コマが丁寧にゆっくりと進んでいる。そのうち川口が立ち上がり、からだが静止画のコマを繋ぎ、動きを探し始める。からだが膨らみ萎む呼吸音、床と足裏がぶつかり擦れる音、鉛筆の引っ掻き音の間のスケッチブックをめくる音がふいに鳥の羽ばたきに聴こえた。
Chikako Yamashiro has continued working up to now, inheriting records and memories of the Okinawa Battle as well as facing with the complex circumstances Okinawa has had such as environmental disruption caused by the US military base and a violation of woman's rights. Her works do not show messages explicitly. But, using a high-level metaphor, they were produced as videos in a gap between reality and fiction. Then, they have inspired viewers to make various interpretations.
In The Beginning of Creation: Abduction/A Child presented in the exhibition, Yamashiro closely covered a process of Takao Kawaguchi, the dancer and former Dumb Type member , who "reenacts" the legendary stage by the late butoh performer Mr. Kazuo Ohno. The record of Kawaguchi's performance to take another person (Ohno) into his own body does not remain just as a documentary, but is shown with a mysterious bared body in front of the viewers. The intense space will be presented, which only Yamashiro could shoot, who has kept working with a consistent theme, "to contact with other people and to inherit it" through Okinawa.
This exhibition will screen The Beginning of Creation: Abduction/A Child as a main feature. Also, the other video meant to be supplementary and those stills from The Beginning of Creation: Abduction/A Child will be shown.
■ Artist Statement
Before I started working on The Butcher Woman, I visited a poultry farm run by my relatives in Kumejima Island. It was a big farm one can see from the time chicks hatch from eggs till they are processed as meat served at a table. There were some lucky chickens which were kept to lay eggs so that they did not to have to be eaten as meat, and other old chickens were too late for meat processing, having finished the egg-laying season. Those old chickens were not fed with special ones for them, but a heap of bitter gourds. It was unusual, funny and interesting as an image. Bursting out laughing in spite of myself, I was rolling the camera.
I needed to shoot a process where a living chicken turns to meat usually seen in a supermarket. Although I took my time to pursue every process, 90% of the resource I shot could not be used as a result. However, I was fully satisfied as I had a desire to look at the chickens carefully and shoot them as a lead to start the main story. I wanted to capture the lump of chicken as the feel of my body, which is cool, jellylike, and soft, and will come out when the skin is ripped off.
There is a scene a little girl saw the lump of meat by accident at the beach, which came from the bottom of the sea. When I was putting the scenes together for editing, I had an irresistible thought that the next shot must be the hordes of chicks. The lump of wet and moist meat secretly hiding in the grass of the sands reminds me of a calf or a lamb recently born in the world. The meat has managed to arrive at this world; it is unsteady as its legs are too weak to stand or walk. Then there were the hordes of chicks in the next shot, cramming the dim light of the poultry farm.
The story has just started, I thought. This scene convinced me the whole story will be constructed.
Also in The Beginning of Creation: Abduction/ A Child, a bird is perceived at the moment something is coming into the world. Takao Kawaguchi is making a sketch. Drawing minutely a still picture captured from the video, he lets the scene go forward, and turning the page of the sketch book, he still keeps drawing. It seems an extraordinary repetition but each scene moves on carefully and slowly. Meanwhile, he stands up. His body starts looking for the movement in the still picture, connecting the scenes. His breathing makes his body swell and shrink, and the sound by the sole of his foot rubs the floor. Then the sound of turning pages of a sketch book combines with the scratching sound with a pencil. I could hear unexpectedly all of these sounds like a bird flapping the wings.
“Ah, it’s a bird. Just born.”
I do not know why, but I felt that a bird has something to do with creation of the above two works. Takao Kawaguchi, who looks up the sky, seems a chic opening its wet and trembling body and imitating flapping of the wings.
Chikako Yamashiro
August 23, 2016
Past Exhibitions