今井祝雄 「白のイヴェント ×映像・1966-2016」
Norio Imai “White Event × moving images 1966 – 2016 / Norio Imai”
尚、本展の開催に合わせ、今井祝雄、昨年今井が出展した東京国立近代美術館「Re: play 1972/2015―『映像表現 '72』展、再演」の担当学芸員である三輪健仁氏、本展出展作品のために今年になって撮りおろしたスライドの提供をしている鷹野隆大(写真家)の三者によるトークイベントを開催いたします。
Norio Imai first exhibited his work in 1964 and was a member of Gutai Art Association till their dissolution in 1972. He has explored artworks, centering on white relief, which are plane yet seemingly spacial and materialistic. Meanwhile, he has been interested in the developing information-oriented society caused by rapid economic growth and been working on a medium such as photographs and images.
From Space to Environment held at Ginza Matsuya Department Store, Tokyo, in November 1966 was a historic exhibition of intermedia where art, music, architecture, technology, etc. were united with a concept of environmental design (then a subject of heated discussion) linking everything symbiotically. Imai participated in this significant exhibition, being only 20 years old, and presented an experimental installation, White Event × moving images, in which a white rubber screen rises and stretches, while an image is casted into the screen by a projector. With this, the works of white he had presented during the Gutai period were united with the activity with image media he has been continuing till now since the Gutai’s dissolution.
This exhibition will reproduce the above-mentioned installation existed at that time, partially being changed.
This year marks a turning point of the 50th years since the exhibition of From Space to Environment. With Imai’s progressive work, which cross various genres, we would ask ourselves what we could find.
On the occasion of the exhibition, a talk event will be held with Norio Imai, Kenji Miwa , Curator of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, who was in charge of Imai’s piece presented in last year’s group exhibition, Re: play 1972/2015 - Restaging “Expression in Film‘72”, and Ryudai Takano, Photographer, who has offered the slides, for the exhibition, he took this year.
■ Artist Comment
From Space to Environment, held at Ginza Matsuya Department Store, Tokyo in 1966 presented the works by the enthusiastic artists from various fields; art, photography, design, architecture and music. It was an inspiring exhibition, not just for me who was only 20 years old at that time. My little work White Event × moving images presented was composed of four pieces of a one meter square white rubber screen which was installed on a wall, keeping its rising movement, while a color slide image is continuously projected to the screen for five second each with two projectors.
The work was meant to be an image, being distorted and breathing with the movement of screens. It did not matter if the image was taken by myself or not, but I just wanted to present such a creation. However, I am particularly attached to this work now because it led to my image creation with photographs and video, taking my own camera after the Gutai Art Association was broken up.
Now, the slide films which were used at the exhibition have been found. The slides were offered for me by Kiyoji Otsuji and Shomei Tomatsu, both of who are photographers and also participated in the exhibition. I wanted to re-create the old work, taking advantage of the opportunity. Having said that, the screen equipment, White Event, in which each piece moves differently, had left only one piece in my atelier and the slides passed from the above two deceased are not complete. I decided to rather present a work which is not just a reproduction of the old one.
What happened then was an encounter with Mr. Ryudai Takano, which caused that Mr. Takano’s casual routine snaps continuously taken,“Daily Photos” could join my presentation. So it will certainly not end up re-exhibiting the old work. I now feel deeply moved as I can exhibit White Event × moving images once again in the same place, Tokyo, after exact a half century passed.
Norio Imai
Past Exhibitions