Etsuko Watanabe “News – Etsuko Watanabe”
2013年よりテレビのニュース画像をモチーフとして扱っている。今回メインに展示するドローイングは地デジ画像が受信障害によって砂嵐状態になっているものをモチーフとし、 油彩の方は昨年展示した「ピクチャー イン ピクチャー」シリーズの展開で、個人情報の理由から画像にフィルタ―が掛けられ、日常的な情景が異化されてしまっている日本のニュースのものを使っている。 デジタル化によって画像はシャープでフラットとなり、不具合はあってはいけないもの、 無いことが当り前となっている。不都合なものは素早く取り除かれ障害のないものが提供される。そんな日常に忽然と目の前に現れた不具合や異化されたの画像に、絵が生まれ出る予感を感じてしまう。視覚情報としては成立たなくなっているこれらの不具合画像は、それ自体が脱構築してしまっている状態とも言えるだろう。そこに可能性を直感的に感じたのかもしれない。
Watanabe studied in Kunstakademie Düsseldorf under Gerhard Richter and was active in Germany as the base for about 30 years.
Until now, she has ingeniously captured a scene of a different nature hidden in familiar daily scenery and questioned how our recognition grasps reality by means of paintings, and at the same time, what a painting itself should be.
While she was living in Germany, she noticed the disordered particles of television screen she happened to see, which was caused by reception interference. Then she started to take a photograph of every moment of disorder of the television image, which counted hundreds pieces. She picked up one from them and started to copy that one. Thus the painting presented for the exhibition completed. The work suggests a pointillistic painting and its image unstably linked with fine dots is beyond what a television should primarily conveys, but appears as “something incomprehensible and mysterious” to viewers.
Moreover, she has made two other paintings, using a single photograph of the television image. By presenting these two paintings in a row, she makes“difference”in them happen, being unique to her own hand, by the strength of a brushstroke and different materials. This is odd reality she creates through visual recognition, which is not a recorded image but inspires a moment to recognize an image as another memory.
■ Artist Comment
I have been working on images of television news as a motif since 2013.
The motif of drawings presented in this exhibition is the state of “snow” on the images in digital terrestrial broadcasting caused by TV reception interference. While, the oil paintings are development from the ones exhibited in Picture in Picture last year. For them I used Japanese TV news in which the images are filtered due to protection of personal information and an everyday scene is dissimilated.
Images reflected on TV have become sharp yet flat because of digitalization,where no faults are allowed; it is natural that there is none. If some troubling things are found in the images on TV screen, they are removed instantly and replaced with other harmless ones. In such a daily life, I cannot help but feeling that I could create a picture, by the images with no fault or dissimilated which suddenly appeared in front of me. These faulty images do not hold as visual information but obviously they themselves have been deconstructed. I might have intuitively found possibility of creation in them. I pick up one from such images on TV screen, flowing away as I see, and I make a drawing of it. That means I come to a halt and think. Thus, something expressed and presented tells another reality separated from movies or photographs.
Etsuko Watanabe
November, 2015
Past Exhibitions