Nobuhiro Nakanishi “Memory of smoke”
今回の展覧会で中西は、これらのシリーズと同時期からずっと関心を持ち続けてきた「煙」という概念に、中西独自のアプローチを試みます。空間に存在する物質でありながら、やがてそれらは蒸気して消えてゆく「煙」。確かに自分の視点の先を時折大きく占めながら、すぐに形を変えてなくなるもの。そこには、「見えるもの」と「見ないもの」といった上記のシリーズに共通するテーマと問題が内包されていますが、今回の新シリーズ「Memory of smoke」では、知覚認識的な関心だけではなく精神的な表裏一体性へも関心を移し ー例えば「創造」と「破壊」、「豊かさ」と「衰退」、「希望」と「恐怖」といった相反するものー を同時に浮かび上がらせます。それは、物理的にも視覚的にも精神的にも捉えようのない、しかし確かにそこに在るものに触れようとした行為とも言えます。「煙」は現代社会に生きる我々に実に様々な意味を想起させることでしょう。
2015年8月19日 中西信洋
We experience things and happenings by seeing them first. When we perceive the object in front of us, our point of view is unconsciously focused on it. However, is it true that something existing beyond our point of view is just like what we are observing? Nakanishi produces his works, not only relying on seeing, but dealing with his act itself which tries to recognize things anew in relationship between space and body.
Based on his sculptural experience, Nakanishi takes an object as positive and the space behind (or surrounding) the object as negative. He does not take figure/ground relationship only from either side, but takes materials and nonmaterials, visible and invisible, and time and space which are in binary opposition from both extremities. Then he tries to visualize the world where those matters co-exist. His attitude as such is clearly shown in Layer Drawing and Stripe Drawing, the representative series among his works he started creating from the beginning of the 2000s.
In this exhibition, Nakanishi attempts to approach, in his original way, the concept “smoke” he has been interested in ever since around the time when the above series were created. “Smoke” is matter, existing in the space but vapors away eventually. It is certain that the smoke sometimes occupies our view to a large extent, but disappears soon, changing its form. There the same theme and question are involved, observed in the above two series. In this new series, “Memory of smoke”, his interest shifts from perceptual recognition to psychological “two side of the same coin”. For example, opposing matters such as creation and destruction, abundance and decay, hope and fear are emerged in the work at the same time. He attempted to touch something which certainly exists “there”, which cannot be get hold of physically, visually and mentally. Thus, “smoke” evokes in our minds living in the modern society various implications.
■Artist Statement
When I see smoke, I have a kind of fear that an uncontrollable and strange monster would burn the world completely. Enormous smoke, which is spewed out from a certain place without brake, entraps people who see it and make them feel a kind of regret for what they have done, although not necessarily being there.
Between cause and effect, abundance and destruction, there always smoke appears.
This presentation shows an act trying to touch the “fear” with no shape.
This series is originated from the drawing smokes I have been continuing since around 2001.
Nobuhiro Nakanishi
August 19, 2015
Past Exhibitions